Newsletter for friends #03: Stuff from August & September

Hello friends,

Here’s another web letter of notable things I’ve been up to or enjoyed recently. A lot has happened over the last two months, and below are slices from both the spacey and non-spacey parts of my life.


Writing deep dives on Chandrayaan

More space writing

More videos based on Moon Monday!

Space, personally

  • I’m conducting a study on Indo-US lunar exploration as an Adjunct Scholar at the Takshashila Institution. Our aim is to identify specific collaborative avenues that will elevate lunar science & technology capabilities of both countries in line with their independent goals. 🇮🇳🌗🇺🇸
  • Sometimes when people ask me which company I represent, and don’t understand that I’m an independent writer, I’m tempted to say that I’m a bootstrapped one-person startup that’s revenue positive from day one.


  • LinkedIn Newsletters are spam and a scam
  • Screw shortform. Live longform. Go slowcial media.
  • If you’re too obsessed with context, you’ll end up wanting to become a cosmologist.
  • All I’m asking for is a bluetooth watch with an e-ink display for excellent sunlight legibility and long battery life, a flat-strip just thick enough to house a USB-C port, solar cells or little dynamos on its band, call notifications, and basic fitness tracking. Instead of whatever bulky power hungry non sense these modern smart watches are. ⌚︎


  • Moved houses within Bangalore and dealt with some personal things
  • A focused phone experience with Archaic Intelligence
  • My medu wada guy in Mumbai remembered my chutney-sambhar preference and simply handed over a plate to me after a quick head confirmation despite seeing me after four months. This is what local niceties look like. ^_^
  • A daylong train ride is a one-day vacation with the self if you want it to be. Immerse yourself in reading something new, and it might as well be a trip.


Fly every way you can. Mahim Bay, Mumbai, with the Worli sea link in the background.
Ripples, reflections, a glide and a slide at BTM lake, Bangalore.

I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to.

Don’t know what to say? Reply with an interesting link!

Let’s not live an internet without intent.

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