Newsletter for friends #02: Stuff from mostly July

Hello friends,

Thank you for your great response to my first newsletter for friends! Continuing to embrace a calmer digital life against the slurp of social media, I’m sharing with you another web letter of notable things I’ve been up to or enjoyed circa July.



Space, personally

Lovely gift from a new friend and reader. A view from the Atacama desert in Chile that looks like it’s from the Moon.
Me after a conference.


Notable microthoughts

  • WhatsApp is a better social network than Meta’s supposed social networks. Unlike on Instagram, Facebook, and Threads, your contacts actually see your WhatsApp posts instead of sponsored, suggested, or algorithmic content. There are minimal ads, and you get direct replies! Most importantly, muting works.
  • Writing headlines in the style of “Friends” is fun
  • My life’s mission: Write words that matter, and age well


Mochas have been my preferred companion during Kindle reading sessions on weekends. I much prefer getting coffee from indie cafés or small brands instead of the Starbucks of the world, and Glen’s Bakehouse near me is one of the best.
Smash your worries away.
Visited the moving monument that is the Topra Ashoka pillar.
A 42-wheeled cart was used to transport it to the river bank, where it was loaded onto a large boat. The cart required 8,400 men to move it, 200 to each wheel. [Source]
An eerily specific restaurant in Besant Nagar, Chennai for eerily specific humans.
Next to the rocket I’ve seen take to the skies twice. Model for representation purposes only. Actual rocket sizes may vary.

I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to.

Don’t know what to say? Reply with an interesting link!

Let’s not live an internet without intent.

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