App subscriptions and Yoghurt

I recently researched and replaced many paid web app subscriptions I had with free alternatives that either perform the same function or come close enough. Here’s the list of which service I replaced with what.

  1. (for the Fediverse)
  2. Inoreader ProInoreader Free (second feed reader)
  3. Pika ProPika Pup (for my third blog)
  4. EchoFeed ProEchoFeed, MastoFeed, and Social Champ (to autoshare my blog posts on some social media)
  5. Old blog on Ghost via PikaPodsDigitalPress (to maintain backwards compatibility for my space blog)
  6. Umami via PikaPods → Umami Cloud (for blog stats)
  7. Linkding via PikaPods → Raindrop and Anybox (for bookmarking and PDFs)
  8. ArchiveBox via PikaPods → Wayback browser extension (for webpage archiving)

So how much money did I save by not continuing these subscriptions?

$20, or nearly ₹1800 a month.

That may not seem like a lot. But consider that for people like me who don’t live in the US or Europe and are affected by purchasing power parity, it’s not a small amount either. While the paid services above were all great, and Pika in particular is quite lovely, neither of them were essential for me. The alternatives I replaced them with do nearly the same work for all practical purposes, with only little manual intervention needed.

More importantly, $20 is roughly what I spend every month on greek yoghurts as part of my meals. Yoghurt is essential, and it directly maintains my health. I’d rather spend my 20-odd dollars to get the best of that. Especially that sweet organic mango yoghurt now that the crazy summer is here. 🥭

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