Quotes to live by

Here are some words that have stuck with me.

Writing is the most radical thing you can do without money.

Julian Shapiro

No one human can fight a flawed system but only humans can fight the system.


Tech enthusiasm is a rabbit hole.

Rushabh Gala

Hope, such a deceptive little thing.

Jyotsna Vibhuti

Reading really calmed me down.

– Dhanisha, a friend who shares the trait to that end.

With infinite curiosity, ascent never stops.

Maciej Zborowski

Reading can seriously damage your ignorance.

– Unknown

Words carry the weight of their past usage.

Jamie Rumbelow

An intimate relation is lost not in the most intense of fights but when you can no longer share a moment of joy.

– Yours truly

Quit being so available.

– Annie Mueller in Big things and tiny things

Look up and wonder, or we die.

– Yours truly

People in bliss seldom think about the ones who aren’t.

– Yours truly

Thank you for sharing your words with me.

This is something a friend told me at the end of our first interaction, and it stuck.

I add more quotes here as and when I find ones that feel just as intriguing or resonating. I’d love to hear your most cherished words.

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