Imagine – Free(dom) Software version

I love freedom respecting software that's also open source. In this fast growing digital-first world, it's more important than ever to have everyday digital tools that work transparently for us users. With that in mind, here's my fork of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s song Imagine, extending their utopian sense of freedom to the digital world.

Imagine there’s no DRM,
it’s easy if you try

No chains below us,
above us a free sky

Imagine all the people,
sharing all the world… aha-ah…

Imagine there’s no Microsoft,
it isn’t hard to do

Nothing to upgrade or wait for,
and no blue screen too

Imagine all the people,
using computers in peace… you-hoo…

They may say we’re dreamers,
but we’re not the only ones

I hope someday they’ll join us in Tux,
and the world will be as one

Imagine no Google,
I wonder if you can

No need for Chrome or YouTube,
and all still works on the Web

Imagine all the people,
browsing all the world… you-hoo..

They may say we’re dreamers,
but we’re not the only ones

I hope someday they’ll join us in Tux,
and the world will be as one.

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